Saturday, August 26, 2006

Nintendo Tour Hints at Wii Release Date?

Nintendo of America has just launched their website for the fourth annual Nintendo Fusion Tour. For those of you who have never attended these events (myself included), apparently they’re venues to bring new age music and gaming (particularly of the Nintendo variety) together for reasonably big shindigs across the United States. The musical aspects of the tour are being provided by bands that I have never even heard of before. (At my “venerable” age of 25, I am no longer remotely “hip” or “with it”.) The gaming aspect will be provided by Nintendo, of course.

However, even if you’re not a fan of whatever “noise” or “racket” the bands will be playing, there is something you may want to note in Nintendo’s official press release.

The tour, headlined by emo-rock band Hawthorne Heights and produced by Live Nation, will visit some 40 cities nationwide between Sept. 27 and Nov. 11. In addition to live music, each venue will showcase the hot-selling Nintendo DS Lite and provide a sneak peek of Nintendo’s upcoming console, Wii.

Yes, you heard it: Wii. With the exception of fighting amongst tens or hundreds of fans at the local game store to get your hands on a test version of the Wii, this will be your best chance to play (after you fight hundreds or thousands of people at the concert for the opportunity, of course). Imagine being able to test drive what will likely be the final versions of Super Mario Galaxies, Twilight Princess, Red Steel, among many others. (You know you want to.) You may not have been the first one ever to play it, but you’ll still be ahead of the launch date…

…Or will you? Notice when the tour ends: November 11. Somehow, my spider-senses are tingling here about this. It’s hard for the Wii to launch prior to November 11… yet still have this be a sneak peak. At the same time, according to Sony Corp., the PS3 will be launching precisely on November 11, and I cannot believe Nintendo would be foolhardy enough to come out after Sony releases their next-gen system. Of course, Nintendo is Nintendo, and they very easily could just say that, “Eh, we got most of the cities before the launch date; that’s good enough for us,” but that would force the last cities on the tour to draw the proverbial short straw. (Sorry Illinois… Iowa… Wisconsin… nearly all the Midwest…)

At any rate, I’ve drawn a handy-dandy map for you to show you where the tour will be stopping, along with roughly when you’ll be seeing Ninty’s tour buses in your area. (All I can say is that, for the first time in my life, it’s good to be living in Ohio.)

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