Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wii to Appear in Full Force This Holiday Season

We’ve just heard the horrible news for Sony that they’ve been having in getting PS3s manufactured for launch. We’ve laughed, we’ve mocked, and we’ve hurled well-deserved insults. But… what about Nintendo? What of their plans? Will Wii be released before the New Year?Answer: Nintendo is right where we (and Wii, for that matter) want to be.We(my friends and I) reporting major news that the IBM processor behind the Wii, codenamed the Broadway, has been being manufactured since July–giving Nintendo a full two-month head start over their competitor Sony–and that many of them are already in Nintendo’s hands.Translation: Nintendo probably has a few hundred thousand consoles already in stock, just waiting to be sold this holiday.Nintendo has stated that by the end of the fiscal year 2006 (up until the end of this coming March), they will be shipping six million Wiis worldwide. They have confirmed that they are on track to meet this number. For comparison, this is precisely the number of PS3s that Sony was aiming for starting on its Japan launch on November 11 through the end of FY06 (that will no longer be met due to production shortages).Note that this says NOTHING about Wii’s release date; it merely reconfirms what we already know, that Wii should be be launching in Q4, or more precisely prior to (American) Thanksgiving (November 23). The details will likely be released at the upcoming Nintendo press conferences held worldwide next week. But at least for now, we can breathe a sigh of relief that Nintendo’s silence isn’t just simply a bluff.

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